Isebenza njani iiankile yesikhephe

Iifestile zomoya, amatyathanga iankile, yaye iankile yaselwandle yenza i iinkqubo zokumisa izikhephe. Xa i-ankile iphoswa emanzini, inesimo esithile esivumela ukuba ingcwatywe kumhlaba ongaphantsi, inike amandla okubamba, kwaye yenze kube lula ukuyisusa. Ityathanga okanye intambo isetyenziselwa ukubophelela inqanawa okanye enye into edada elunxwemeni.

Ibunjwe ukuba ichwetheze kumhlaba ongaphantsi xa iphoswe emanzini ukunika ukubamba. Isixhobo esikhethekileyo sokugcina iinqanawa okanye ezinye iinkqubo ezidadayo emanzini amiselwe kwangaphambili ngetyathanga okanye intambo encanyathiselwe phezulu. Isikhephe anchor yenye yezona ndawo ziphambili zezixhobo ze-anchor ezivelisa amandla okubamba. I-Anchor kwimilo ekhethekileyo, ngokuqhelekileyo yenziwe ngentsimbi ekhandiweyo okanye intsimbi ephosiweyo, kwaye iqulethe ibha kunye nomzimba. Umzimba ngeringi (okanye intambo), i-ankile eyomileyo (i-shank), ingalo, i-fluke.

Ii-ankile enqanaweni ziya kukhethwa ngokusekelwe kwinani lezixhobo zendawo yokuhlala ezichazwe kwinkcazo, okanye zibalwe ngokusekelwe ekufudukeni kwenqanawa, indawo yomoya yamanzi, ukuxhathisa kokuncamathela, ubunzulu be-ankile kunye nobude bekhonkco.

Iindidi zeAnchor yethu yaseLwandle ezithengiswayo

Mooring anchors are the main product of our company. We can provide fluke style anchor, cast anchors, vula i-ankile, fortress anchors, welded anchors, yacht anchors, etc. in various types. 

Yonke i-ankile yokuxhoma uveliswa ngokwemigangatho yoluntu yokuhlelwa, kwaye sinako bonelela ngesiqinisekiso seemveliso ivunywe luluntu lokuhlelwa, njengeCCS, BV, LR, ABS, DNV, NK, KR, RS, RINA, njl., Ngoko umgangatho uthembekile kwaye uqinisekisiwe.

Iintlobo zeankile yeenqanawa 

  • Welding anchor for boat: Delta, triangle, plow, Stephen, Steven, MK3, MK5 and MK6 anchors.
  • Ii-ankile ezenziwe ngentsimbi etyhidiweyo: Iholo, ukubamba okuphezulu, i-Navy, iiankile ze-Bohr, iiankile zaseJapan ezingenalusini, njl.
  • Iintlobo eziphambili: I-JIS ayinampahla, CB711-95 Intetho , Iholo ye-ABC, AC-14 HHP, AC-14 SB HHP Anchor.

Marine mooring Anchor

A mooring anchor is a heavy object or device used to secure a vessel or structure in place by providing resistance to movement caused by wind, water currents, or waves.

  1. Stockless Anchor: This type of anchor does not have a traditional stock (crossbar) and is commonly used on smaller vessels or for temporary moorings. It consists of two curved flukes or arms that dig into the seabed.

  2. Danforth Anchor: Also known as a fluke anchor, the Danforth anchor has two large, flat, triangular flukes attached to a stock. Danforth anchors are commonly used for small to medium-sized boats.

  3. Plow Anchor: Also called a CQR anchor, the plow anchor has a single pointed fluke with a hinged shank. Plow anchors are known for their reliability and are commonly used on larger vessels.

  4. Mushroom Anchor: This type of anchor has a large, rounded head with a flat base. It is often made from cast iron or concrete and is primarily used for permanent moorings or in softer seabeds.


Fluke Anchor & Plow anchor

A fluke anchor, also known as a vula i-ankile, is a type of marine anchor characterized by one or more pointed triangular flukes or blades. Fluke anchors are designed to dig into the seabed and provide holding power. They are commonly used in various bottom conditions, such as sand, mud, and grass. Fluke anchors can come in different designs and variations, including the Danforth anchor and the Fortress anchor.

Danforth Anchor for Ship

The Danforth anchor features two large, sharp, triangular flukes or blades that are designed to dig into the seabed. It typically has a hinged shank that allows it to adjust to changes in force direction.

Fortress Anchor for Sale

The Fortress anchor is designed with a lightweight, high-tensile aluminum alloy construction. It typically features adjustable fluke angles, which can be set to different positions depending on the bottom conditions.

  • ubunzima: Fortress anchors are lightweight due to their aluminum alloy construction, making them easier to handle and stow.

High Holding Power (HHP) Anchors

A high holding power anchor refers to an anchor that has a strong ability to grip the seabed and resist dragging or slipping. These anchors are designed to provide reliable and secure anchoring even in challenging conditions, such as strong currents, high winds, or varying seabed types. 

The term “high holding power anchor” does not refer to a specific anchor type but rather describes the performance characteristic of an anchor. There are various anchor designs that are known for their high holding power, such as delta Anchor, plow anchors, fluke anchors (kubandakanywa Danforth and Fortress anchors).

Delta Anchor

The Delta anchor is a plow-style anchor that offers excellent holding power in a variety of bottoms. It has a weighted tip and a broad surface area that provides strong holding capabilities.

Delta Anchor Size Chart

I-Advantage yee-Anchors zaseLwandle

  • iankile yenqanawa yenye yeeprojekthi ezisetyenziswa kakhulu kushishino lwaselwandle. Ukuqina kunye nokuchasana nokugqabhuka kuhambelana nayo.
  • Kubalulekile ukuthathela ingqalelo ubude benqanawa yakho, ubunzima, kunye neemeko zemozulu yendawo xa ukhetha iiankile. I Iqela laseGosea Marine ngomnye wabanikezeli abaphambili beemveliso ezikumgangatho ophezulu.
  • I-Gosea Marine inikezela ngeentlobo ngeentlobo zee-ankile ezinomsebenzi ophezulu, uyilo oluhle, imibala eyahlukeneyo, kunye nokhuseleko lwenqanawa oluphezulu. Insimbi engenasici esetyenziswe kule mveliso iphezulu.
  • Ehlabathini lonke, i-ankile ye-Gosea Marine ibonakaliswe ukuba iyakwazi ukumelana neemeko ezingqongileyo kwaye yamkelwe ngokufudumeleyo.

Ubungakanani beAnchor yesikhephe kunye neTshati yobunzima

Ukucaphula ngoko nangoko kwi-Intanethi

Sihlobo esithandekayo, ungathumela imfuno yakho ecinezelayo kwi-Intanethi, abasebenzi bethu baya kunxibelelana nawe kwangoko. Ukuba unayo nayiphi na imibuzo, jongana nenkonzo yethu yabathengi ngencoko ye-intanethi okanye ngomnxeba ngexesha elifanelekileyo. Enkosi ngesicelo sakho kwi-intanethi.

[86] 0411-8683 8503

ifumaneka ukususela ngo-00:00 - 23:59

idilesi:Igumbi A306, Isakhiwo#12, Qijiang Road, Ganjingzi